MORE and more children are kicking the couch into touch and taking advantage of York’s mobile sports facilities.

The street sports service is run by City of York Council, offering youngsters around the city the chance to try something new.

Figures just released show that in the last three years, the council’s mobile street sports service has had a 40 per cent increase in use.

In 2007 just 2,888 young people made use of the service, the following year in 2008 3,421 used it and in this last year, 4,875 had a taste of street sports.

The service supplies a vehicle full of multi-sports equipment which tows either a mobile skate park or a mobile climbing tower to schools, out-of-school clubs, community centres or play grounds.

Two sports coaches then run free, two-hour sessions either indoors or outside for youngsters aged from seven up to 18 years old.

Organisers ranging from ward committees, parish councils and schools, pay for the service to visit their base where children are allowed to use it free of charge. The service is available throughout the year except for a few weeks over Christmas and New Year.

To book a session or view the next three month-long timetable, go to The news follows the council’s announcement last month of plans to increase children’s health and education by encouraging them to devote five hours a week to sport – and another five to culture.

Under the initiative, children aged five to 16 would be urged to split time between physical activities and the arts, music and other creative disciplines.

Mary Bailey, head of play and young people’s cultural entitlement at the council, said it was hoped that, by 2013, local young people would say York was among the best places to live in the country.