The donor transplant co-ordinator at York Hospital said it was vital people acted on their good intentions immediately.

Joanne Turner said most people supported the idea of organ donation, but did not join the Organ Donor Register.

“There is research that suggests the vast majority of people in the UK agree with organ donation, but they have never got round to registering their wishes,” she said.

“If you believe in organ donation then prove it, and join the register.

“Many know their loved one’s wishes regarding donation; others are left with the difficult situation of trying to decide what their relative would have wanted them to do.

“It is easier if the person is on the register or carries a card and has discussed donation with their family.

“Our job is to give families the information about what donation means and what’s involved.”

Ms Turner is the first donor transplant co-ordinator to be based at York Hospital, having been posted there under a national drive to increase donation rates. She started there in June, having become a coordinator in January.

She and her counterparts deal with identifying potential donors, talking to families about donation, supporting them through their decision, organising the donation and supporting the family and hospital staff throughout.

“We also often have ongoing contact with donor families where we can let them know how the recipients of the donation are,” she added.

“We are also involved in working with hospital teams to increase donation rates and work to raise public awareness.

“Part of the work being done to improve donation rates is that all hospitals in the country will have a resident donor transplant co-ordinator.

She said: “When on call I could be called out to any of the hospitals in the region to discuss the possibility of donation with the family of someone whose illness or sudden injury means that they are unlikely to survive.”

How to join Organ Donor Register

You can join the NHS Organ Donor Register by:

• Going online at

• Phoning the 24-hour donor line on 0300 123 23 23.

• Texting SAVE to 84118.

You can also join when you:

• Register for a driving licence.

• Apply for a Boots Advantage card.

• Register at a GP surgery.

• Register for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

Leaflets are also displayed in GPs surgeries, libraries and many hospitals and pharmacies.