THERE have been many incidents recorded in recent years with regard to dangerous dogs and injuries inflicted on the unsuspecting victim, with a great deal of emphasis placed on the dog and no responsibility on the owners for their behaviour.

Most dogs are bought or acquired by their owners on a whim, either as a present, companionship, status symbol or for more sinister reasons, such as dog baiting, etc.

Most dogs do not understand our standards of right and wrong, and the breed of dog chosen should depend on the quality of the handler and their temperament. An aggressive owner can transmit their mood swings into their animal.

For most part, dogs have three outstanding traits if trained and brought up correctly; incorruptibility, discernment and ability to reason. However, the owner must take into consideration the cost of feeding, grooming and vet’s bills in the long term. A dog is not just for Christmas, as the saying goes.

Furthermore I consider the dog licence should be reintroduced and dogs registered, not unlike when purchasing a motor vehicle.

This should also involve basic training facilities and identification disc on the animal, for the benefit of the owner and dog alike, and some form of insurance would not go amiss.

Kenneth Bowker, Vesper Walk, Huntington, York.