DOUBLE glazing canvasser David Turns commented (Letters, November 26) about the difficulty of readily identifying the street signs which indicate no cold calling zones.

There is a relevant page on the City of York Council website at This links to an electronic street map, which has the various zones marked on it.

My own street is included, and I am its Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator. I’ve handed out Trading Standards window stickers to residents. These reinforce the street signage. My residents also have leaflets, which detail the procedures for managing unsolicited doorstep calls.

Residents in No Cold Calling zones who receive such visits should politely obtain the caller’s business card or company literature, then follow the recommended procedures. This can usually be done without behaving discourteously towards the caller. Please recognise that they are often trying to earn a living. Exemptions to the legislation include Betterware-style catalogue companies and religious group. Unfortunately, I live near a well known Mormon church in York which canvasses locally. When they call at my house, I can only decline their services and invite them to get on their bikes.

Paul Hepworth, Windmill Rise, Holgate, York.