Having caught up with The Press on return from holiday, I noted an horrific picture of a swan entangled in fishing line with the report saying that it was caught in “discarded” fishing tackle (Swan rescued after being tangled in fishing line, October 2).

While agreeing there is a problem, the word “discarded” is used erroneously, as no angler would willingly “discard” tackle due to its not inappreciable cost.

The probable cause is of uneducated use of, or breakage of line while playing larger fish, resulting in the birds being able to gain access what to them is a valuable food source. Last week, in the Countrywise programme on ITV, there was a hugely educational and interesting item on Dan Sidley’s Swan Rescue Centre; more power to his elbow.

R Hutchinson, General secretary, York & District Amalgamation of Anglers, St Clement’s Club, Count de Burgh Terrace, York.