TWO brothers have been jailed for kicking a man’s head so that it was “knocked from side to side”.

Both of Michael Haynes’ cheekbones were broken from top to bottom and he needed two metal plates inserted into his face after separate attacks by Kyle and Shane Butler, and another man, said Stephanie Hancock, prosecuting at York Crown Court.

The victim was already lying injured on the ground when 19-year-old Kyle Butler swung two kicks at him and 21-year-old Shane Butler one.

The attackers had just seen their third brother, Kevin Butler, unconscious on the ground at the junction of Blossom Street and Queen Street after six people set upon him and his girlfriend just after midnight on December 21.

After watching CCTV coverage of the brothers’ attack, the Recorder of York, Judge Stephen Ashurst, spoke of how Mr Haynes’ head was “knocked from side to side” by the kicks.

“Every single incident like this just contributes to a climate of menace and violence in the city centre late at night,” he said. “I very much hope that the police are able to track down those responsible for the unlawful attack on your brother. But your response was disproportionate.”

Friends and supporters of the brothers, of Wilberforce Avenue, Clifton, cried in the public gallery as they were sentenced to a year in jail each. Kyle Butler admitted attempted grievous bodily harm and Shane Butler affray. The prosecution could not say how much of Mr Haynes’ injury was caused by the unknown man who put him on the ground. Barristers for both defendants said they had no previous convictions and had stayed out of trouble since.

For Kyle Butler, Helen Hendry said: “His feelings were protective towards his brother.

“He saw red when he saw his brother unconscious on the ground. He reacted in a way he ordinarily would never have done.”

He had been on his way home at the time, and his judgement may have been clouded by drink.

For Shane Butler, Glenn Parsons said his client had been drinking. He had got involved because he had feared that one of the people who attacked his brother had a weapon.