Now that we can view MPs expenses and claims, the arguing and mud-slinging has started from all parties. How about a quick solution to the issue?

It could even be used for councillors’ claims as well.

In my view the only expenses MPs should be looking to claim is travel expenses, and nothing else.

These people chose to become MPs for their beliefs, and not expenses claims.

These are people who should be role models and lead by example, and if they cannot survive without claiming for gardeners, cleaners and new televisions then maybe running the country might be too difficult for them.

We are currently going through a recession, a weak pound, manufacturing at a low, redundancies being announced every day and what are the MPs doing?

Not a lot, apart from pulling each other down over what someone is claiming for.

If this is the best they can do, then this country will get a lot worse before it gets better.

Gary Mitchell, The Groves, York.