York Knavesmire Harriers came back from one of their most successful London Marathons in the club’s history.

Knavesmire’s road specialist Cameron Brookes took 46th place overall and fourth in his age group.

He raced home in two hours and 28 minutes, knocking a minute off his personal best time.

Also breaking three hours was Tom Watson who clocked 2.55.

Other Knavesmire finishers were: Sean McDermott 3.11, Simon Drew 3.27, David Darton 3.28, Colin Lea 3.36, Alastair McLeod 4.11, David Bish 4.12, Elisabeth Burns 4.23, Rachael Davis 4.49, Gill Waite 4.56, Ian Price 5.02, Helen Leech 5.02, Frank Holden 5.04, Susan Adams 5.05.

Jean Snelling came seventh in the ladies (70) and clocked a time of 5.31.

Meanwhile, in the Yorkshire Three Peaks fell race, Phil Elliot Dick came home in 76th in a time of three hours and 49 minutes with club-mate Barry Atkinson 12th in 3.59.