ANOTHER letters page in our great local Press and another load of anti-royalist claptrap from the out-of-touch Adam McCartney (Readers’ Letters, April 21).

What a narrow person he must be to pour out such spite about our great royal family.

Our Queen – what an example she is to us all – continues to serve her country at the age of 83 and the Prince Consort Phillip at the age of 88 is now the longest serving consort in history.

The royals all work hard carrying out arduous public duties where they are always a target for terrorists and other idiots who could injure them.

To say that Prince Harry was not fighting with his company in Afghanistan was simply not true, and were it not for his cover being blown he would still be there, in danger, serving Queen and country.

On the Queen’s birthday, April 21, she was 83. I was proud to take a service dedicated to her at our local Manor (Beaumont) Nursing Home, and it was attended by some 40 elderly residents and carers as well as a group from another home at Gate Helmsley.

Many were in wheelchairs and some unsteady on their feet, but when we sung the national anthem at the end most got to – or attempted to – stand in honour.

You should have been there to witness it, Adam. I was so proud.

Perhaps you would prefer us to be ruled by a dictator such as Mugabe or Mr Blair who lead us into unnecessary war in Iraq?

Bryan R Lawson, Burton Fields Road, Stamford Bridge, York.

• I HAD a dream last night in which Adam McCartney was trapped on a narrow cliff ledge, hanging on to a tuft of grass, as the pounding waves reared ever closer.

As the helicopter pilot hovered overhead, his only hope of rescue, he called out to the descending winch-man “If it’s that Prince William flying that thing…”

Unfortunately, I woke up so we will never know the outcome.

To be a search and rescue helicopter pilot, which is what William is being trained for, is, I understand, one of the most demanding flying jobs available, yet Mr McCartney so confidently states the prince has no flying ability.

Prince Andrew survived the heat of battle in the Falklands War, flying as a decoy to lure incoming guided missiles away from the battleships – surely a “one mistake and you’re dead” situation.

His sister, Princess Anne, is capable of successfully guiding a ton of highly-strung horseflesh around an Olympic eventing course – just as challenging as throwing a fighter jet around the sky.

Nobody is forcing Mr McCartney to like the royal family – but why does he find it impossible to admit that many people in this country and abroad do like them.

From the crowds who turn out to major events to the staff and public who are thrilled by a royal visit, or the ‘local heroes’ who one day find their quiet charity work is rewarded by a trip to Buckingham Palace to receive recognition.

If we did not have the royal family, we would still have to have a ceremonial head of state, presumably elected – another bunch of politicians fighting to get on the gravy train.

I have read that the French president costs that country far more to maintain than does our royal family.

Barbara Pyrah, Cedar Glade, Dunnington, York.