YOUNGSTERS at Ryedale Phoenix Gymnastics Club are celebrating the award of a £10,000 grant by entering their first tournament.

The money was donated by the Awards For All scheme, which is funded by the National Lottery.

Sharon Edens, head coach, said: “The money has made a big difference because when we started we basically had nothing. We didn’t have a lot of equipment, but we made it work for us.

“Having the equipment means we can learn a lot faster and a lot safer.”

With the money, the club has bought a new kit, new beams and an ‘Airtrack’, which cost £3,500.

Edens added: “The Airtrack is a bit like a bouncy castle, but it’s quite long. It takes the fear away from kids as well as having the safety element.”

The classes are taken by Sharon and her 19-year-old daughter, Michaela, who was a gymnast until she was 14, when health problems forced her to quit.

The club will enter four disciplines in the women’s artistic level seven competition to be held at York Gym Club on May 17. Edens said: “Hopefully, we will get some medals. It’s not all about the winning but, hopefully, it will start them off.”

Mother and daughter have also been teaching gymnastics in schools – instructing children and teachers.

Edens was made redundant from her job recently and she said: “It’s actually a blessing in disguise. Before we struggled to coach because of time restraints, but now I am able to put more time into going into schools and helping people.”

The girls competing in York include Fiona Johnson, Fiona Hardman, Jessica Lowe, Zoe Woodhead, Imogen Rose, Verity Hancock, Leanne Sewster, Grace Shoobridge, Tammy Conner, Clair Benson, Charlotte Hubery, Lily Brown, Leeanor Willmore, Hannah Snowden and Megan Green.