An anonymous dog owner replied to my letter regarding the dog hazard on Hob Moor Moor dog dangers, March 20).

This dog owner believes that Hob Moor is not a designated cycle path.

I can assure this person that the path on Hob Moor is a designated cycle path and York council would be able to confirm that.

This person invites cyclists to use an alternative route. Why should they? The cycle path was built for cyclists as an alternative to the busy roads.

I suggest that the dog owners use an alternative route for their dogs.

How about using the rest of Hob Moor, away from the cycle path, as some dog owners do already.

There is plenty of room for dogs on Hob Moor, as it is a vast area, so there is no excuse for using a designated cycle path.

Peter Ashton, Kingsway West, York.