A LIFELINE charity in York that helps children with special needs today launched a new fundraising appeal as it continues its fight for survival.

SNAPPY, which is based at the Young Groves Centre, in Lowther Street, has been providing weekend and holiday activities for children with learning difficulties for 25 years.

But following a £28,000 funding cut last summer, the charity desperately needs more cash to retain all the services it offers.

Parents and carers of children who use the scheme have launched a new appeal called Save Our SNAPPY and are looking to recruit fundraisers to join the SNAPPY Squad.

Leeann Branton, of Huntington, whose nine-year-old daughter, Lucy, has been going to SNAPPY for four years, has already signed up to the squad.

She said: “SNAPPY means everything to us. Lucy has a lot of health problems, and it’s hard to find people we can trust to look after her. “But we can leave her at the sessions in complete confidence. It means we can spend time with our other two children.

“Two helpers even babysat so we could go out on my birthday. We couldn’t function without them.”

Linda Fletcher, who runs the Amber House guest house, in Bootham Crescent, has also signed up to the squad.

She said: “My son, Andrew, has been going to SNAPPY for three years now, and I honestly don’t know what we would do without it. “He is completely dependent on adults for all his needs, and is also fed via a gastrostomy, so having somewhere we can send him to where we know he is safe, happy, well cared for and where the staff are trained to give him his feeds is a huge support to us. “Andrew loves going to SNAPPY. His self-confidence and social skills have gone from strength to strength and he has built up a network of friends he looks forward to spending time with.”

Anne Stamp, SNAPPY’s service manager, said: “It’s brilliant that parents are getting involved.

“We have come into this year really struggling and if we don’t raise the extra funds, the only thing to do will be to cut projects, which we really don’t want to do. Any help would be more then welcome – even if someone redecorated our dilapidated building, it would be a start!”

The SNAPPY squad will hold its first fundraising event at St Crux church, in Pavement, York, on Saturday, March 14, with stalls selling cakes, refreshments, books, toys, bric-a-brac and plants.

How you can help

* Join the SNAPPY squad and help out with fundraising events. Phone Linda on 07919 923725 or email snappysquad@hotmail.co.uk.

* Donate online at www.justgiving.com/snappysquad.

Local theatre groups, choirs and bands can dedicate a performance or concert to SNAPPY and have a collection on the night.

* Local businesses can join the SNAPPY 100 club and pledge to give the charity £100 a year. Phone Anne on 01904 640562.