I was dragged along to a Cuban Salsa dance class last Thursday.

It wasn’t exactly kicking and screaming, as I like to try new things. But I was a little worried about my two left feet, especially since the class had been running for a couple of weeks and me and my partner would in all probability be like Bambi let loose on ice compared to gliding swans.

No bambis, no swans.

The class was set up so that we all faced into the big mirrored wall, watching ourselves step and mis-step while we focused on deceptively simple moves that took, oh so much concentration.

The hour passed in a flash and I don’t really remember noticing anyone else much at all. There was a point when I saw my feet move in the mirror in ways I did not think were physically possible and I thought, well, what do you know, I can salsa!

(There were a couple of other times when I careered backwards into the not so welcoming arms of the person next to me, but that's another story.) What made it fun and successful was the focus on one step at a time. The intense concentration to do one simple thing after another. And releasing anxiety about what anyone else thought.

All that mattered was me, that mirror and my two left feet.

I wonder where you can apply the power of “one step at a time”

this week to enhance your work and career satisfaction.