A BOGUS caller tricked his way into a 96-year-old woman's home before stealing cash from her handbag.

Police branded it a “despicable crime” and warned other residents in the Thirsk area to be on their guard.

Posing as a water board official, fraudster conned his way into the pensioner's home in Front Street, Sowerby, at about 1.30pm on Monday, claiming he was carrying out urgent drainage repairs.

He told her he did not need an identity card as he was an outside worker.

After being let in, the mountebank pretended to check the sink area and while out of sight, entered the woman's bedroom where he found her handbag, stealing cash. He then left the property saying everything was fine.

The man is described as white, aged in his 30s, about 5ft 4in tall, of stocky build, with short dark hair. He was wearing a navy blue boiler suit.

PC Richard Hampson, of Thirsk Police, said: “This is a despicable crime, targeting a vulnerable, elderly lady in her own home.

“We would like to hear from anyone who saw anything suspicious in the Front Street area on Monday afternoon, witnessed the incident or anyone who can provide any information.”

He advised residents not let anyone into their home unless they knew who is was or were expecting them.

He said residents should ask unknown visitors to post a business card or organsiation telephone number through the letterbox to check they were who they said they were.

He urged relatives and neighbours to make sure elderly people had adequate security.

“Reassure them that keeping someone waiting at the door is not impolite,” he said. “A door chain is a useful way to prevent access to someone you're not unsure about.”

Anyone with any information should phone North Yorkshire Police on 0845 6060247 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111