THE cream of the crop of York sixth formers will be heading to top flight universities.

York College has eight students who have received conditional offers to go to Cambridge University, dependant on their summer exam results.

The college is the largest provider of students to university in the region and each year hundreds of them progress to higher education on the back of their exam successes.

Last year more than a fifth of York College students secured places at the very top Russell Group universities.

This year the eight students who hope to be Cambridge-bound are Daniel Streets, to study maths; Kit Hildyard, history; Megan Bradley, social and political science; David Finch, geography; Robert Hughes, engineering; Oliver Stannard, computer science and maths; James Swanton, English; and Victoria Atkins, law.

Miggy Biller, head of division for maths, and co-ordinator of college Oxbridge applications, said: “Focusing on student success and achievement has always been the number one priority for everyone at York College.

“We are delighted to have so many Oxbridge candidates this year and congratulate them all. They have done extremely well to be selected and will work hard to attain the grades they require.

“It is particularly pleasing to see the broad range of subjects they are studying. I hope their success will encourage other students who wish to apply to Oxbridge, especially as York College now runs a special programme for gifted and talented young people, to help them meet their aspirations.”

Meanwhile, Tadcaster Grammar School pupils Gus Lonergan, William Turner and Anna Baxter will be Cambridge- bound if they achieve the required A-level grades.

Mathematician Gus Lonergan hopes to study at Gonville & Caius College after successfully solving various maths problems during his interview.

William Turner, who also obtained 11 GCSEs, did not think his interview at Cambridge went very well, but was thrilled at hearing the news of his success.

He will now have to work hard to achieve the 3As in maths, further maths and physics he needs to fulfil his ambition to go to Cambridge.

William is following in his family’s footsteps by being accepted at Downing College, Cambridge, to study engineering.

William’s brother, Richard Turner, who also attended Downing College to study natural sciences, is now working as a graduate engineer for Brinker Technology in Bradford on a project with Yorkshire Water.

Anna Baxter applied to King’s College as her first choice, but has been accepted by Robinson College to study social and political science.

She now needs three A grades in any of her four subjects – sociology, psychology, religious studies and law.

Aidan Carr, head of Year 13, said: “This represents a huge achievement for the students and the school and I am very proud of them all. I would like to wish them well in their future studies.”