PENSIONERS are being forced to wait for their bus in the wind and rain after their stop was moved to a new location without a shelter.

Passengers using the number 24 and number 26 bus services between York city centre and Fulford are angry that they no longer have protection from the weather as they wait for their bus in Piccadilly.

The stop was moved last November in an effort to ease congestion at its previous location behind the Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, where the number 8 Park&Ride service to Grimston Bar continues to stop.

A new stop was created for the number 24 and number 26 buses further along Piccadilly, as the road crosses the River Foss. But, because it is on a bridge, transport bosses at City of York Council say they are unable to put up a shelter.

Alan Draper, who uses the bus regularly, said he wanted the council to find an alternative location where a shelter could be built.

The 74-year-old, from Fulford, said: “The bus only comes every half-hour and, with delays and non-arrivals, people can stand there for a very long time totally at the mercy of the weather.

“Twice my wife and I have stood there in the pouring rain waiting for a bus, which was late.

“The winds blow across the Foss and the stop is in a very exposed area. It’s mainly elderly people who use the route and the death rate is going to go up.”

City of York councillor Andy D’Agorne, who represents Fishergate ward, said he would be calling on the council to find an alternative location.

He suggested the bus stop could be moved even further down Piccadilly, opposite the Banana Warehouse.

“This would be slightly further for passengers to walk, but at least they could have a shelter, so they are not exposed to the elements while waiting for a bus,” he said.

However, a city council spokeswoman said the stop was permanent and it had no plans to move it again.

She said: “The decision to move the stop was taken to reduce the congestion at the original stop, which was making it difficult for passengers to board the buses.

“Unfortunately, the council cannot put a standard shelter immediately adjacent to the new stop because it is on a bridge.

“However, the council’s transport planning team is looking at ways to improve the facilities at this stop and the Piccadilly area, including putting in seating and additional lighting.”