IN LIGHT of the Government announcing the third runway will be built at Heathrow, my appraisal of said Government using the “global-warming” cosh to frighten people into making massive lifestyle changes as being a cynical ploy of the highest order, has been vindicated.

How the many thousands of gullible people who believed the Government were sincere in their championing of the reduction in CO2 being of utmost importance, feel now, is anyone’s guess.

They have my sympathy as nobody likes to be made to look foolish.

Vacuous statements along the lines of, “CO2 levels will be reduced 30 per cent by 2015” ring somewhat hollow now, as any reductions achieved by then will be easily exceeded by the thousands of extra flights to and from this new terminal.

In all probability, governments worldwide, with the exception of one, will believe climate-change is more attributable to cyclical change, higher activity from the sun, or a combination of both, rather than any puny contribution from man.

The one exception? Arise! HM Government of Great Britain.

It has demonstrated, in one fell swoop, that it does not believe Man has any great input, worth bothering too much about, into climate-change. QED.

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge.