RESIDENTS across North Yorkshire are being urged to take the green approach to disposing of their Christmas trees and cards as festive trimmings come down throughout the region.

North Yorkshire County Council has issued tips and guidance on how Yuletide waste can be reused and recycled rather than sent to landfill, with special schemes being set up through the authority’s link with the Woodland Trust’s Christmas card recycling initiative.

Coun Clare Wood, the authority’s executive member for waste management, said: “The great thing about our partnership with the Woodland Trust is that Christmas cards which people take to special bins at WHSmith, Tesco, TK Maxx and Marks & Spencer will be recycled rather than going into a landfill waste site.

“From the money saved by not having to landfill these cards, the council can pay a recycling credit to the Woodland Trust, which the charity can use to buy and plant trees.

“In 2007, the Woodland Trust collected just under 17 tonnes of Christmas cards for recycling from North Yorkshire, which contributes to thousands of trees being planted.

“Christmas trees can easily be recycled after the festivities end by taking them to one of the 19 household waste recycling centres in North Yorkshire. They are taken away to be composted and produce a valuable soil conditioner.

“These centres will also accept glass bottles and jars, cardboard and paper, so people can bring together any excess Christmas recycling in one trip.”

The bins at the stores taking part in the recycling initiative will be open to use until January 31 and more information on where your nearest household recycling centre is can be found by calling the council’s waste management team on 01609 532512 or by logging on to

Tips and guidance on recycling are also available at