In her role as Labour spokesperson for housing on City Of York Council, one would expect Coun Simpson-Laing to be doing all she can to solve the lack of family and affordable housing in York.

Readers of the letters pages will be well aware of her crusade to support the council’s failing 50 per cent affordable housing policy, which is detering developers and landowners from bringing forward sites because of viability issues.

It is therefore surprising that she is promoting the playing fields at Manor School to remain as public open space and a children’s play area (True land values, Letters, December 26).

It is common knowledge that the new Manor School is relying on the proceeds of the sale of the old school land to subsidise the cost of building its new premises, so who will make up the deficit if the playing fields are not used for housing?

It is all well and good Coun Simpson-Laing being concerned at the lack of public open space and play areas, but surely the lack of housing is a greater need?

I would also question the suitability of this location as a children’s play area, given that most residents live at the other side of the busy A59.

This misplaced support shows the same lack of joined-up thinking shown by the councillor in supporting the 50 per cent policy, and makes me wonder if she is in fact, Labour’s spokesperson against housing, rather than for it?

Paul S Cordock, Durlston Drive, Strensall, York.