IN REPLY TO Ken Holmes’s letter of November 19. The MPs who voted to ban a barbaric bloodsport did so because most of the country didn’t like the idea of our wildlife in our countryside being chased till they drop and are then torn to pieces.

None of the hunts were banned from riding out with hounds. The only thing outlawed is the killing of a sentient being. If Mr Holmes’s predecessors hadn’t killed all the wolves that used to prey on the foxes, the foxes would have a natural predator. Also, most people who give to charity are people who don’t have much money to part with.

Guess what they don’t do, write to The Press bragging about it.

If you and your hunting mates want to brag about what you give to charity, it goes to show just how low you will go to try to win people over.

It won’t work with people who care for animals; these sentient beings are for everyone, not just for the hunting brigade to kill. Future generations will never forgive our cruelty.

D Fillingham, Muncaster, York.