It’s time to make that choice again. Do I entrust my health to modern medicine or place my trust in my own fitness and natural resistance? Yes you’ve guessed it, time for a Flu Jab!

Now I’m not a squeamish sort of chap and if you were run over by a tank I’d be there trying to sort you out, plugging all the gaps and collecting all the bits. However, I am a little more sensitive when it’s my blood. Yes I know if I was run over by a tank I wouldn’t be able to help myself anyway, but the point is I really don’t like injections. I think it stems from painful childhood experience. Those needles were enormous, more like a six inch nail (that’s about 15cm for the younger readers) and they seemed to push them right in to the bone. It makes my arm hurt just thinking about it.

My children were always very good about injections. We worried about it more than they did, with the jury still out on whether jabs like MMR are more dangerous than the diseases.

So anyway here I am, looking at the invitation to take the Flu from my doctor because I’m asthmatic and therefore more at risk. I had Flu last year which laid me low for a fortnight and left me feeling off it for months.

Does the Jab really do the job or is it pointless? Well York City are playing away this weekend. I could go Christmas shopping, decorate the bedroom, clear out the garage, or strip the old desk, but I think maybe I’d rather get jabbed. Best of all I’ll feel brave too.

There is a point after all!