Ever since we started to help the garden back to life from its winter rest, we have had a run of bad luck along with the joy of all the new growth and colour.

My back gave way under sciatica, which is receiving good attention at hospital sessions. Sylvia suffers constantly with hers, but women don’t complain. Sciatica means pain killers, pain killers mean constipation, constipation means laxatives and that creates auras around me which take some getting used to, even for me.

Our two year old £550 fan oven has completely packed up in stages of frightening bangs and smoke. Two engineers’ visits later we have disconnected it as a possible fire hazard and are having to wait over a week for the next visit. Sylvia feels like crying.

Our best man and his wife went on holiday and he caught a nasty virus so we have missed our night out at the Walnut for three weeks.

We have a good, unwanted carpet of our daughter’s in the garage waiting to be fitted in two days time. Therefore, the car has been outside since it came. We discovered signs of mice in the garage. Possible problem of the carpet being eaten and it’s too big to move into the house. Went for a Foxes Glassier Fruit in the glove box of the car and the mice had got in through the engine and had a go at them.

Bought a mouse trap and the first night scored a hit. Reloaded and two nights running the cheese was gone and a thank you little tod left next to the trap. Bought another two and one of the three was occupied this morning. It’s not all bad!

We are trading in the old one for a new car today. Sylvia said postpone it but we can’t. It has a three year warranty. Physio and carpet fitting tomorrow. It is sometimes difficult but you have to laugh.