A 250-year-old YORK society with historic royal patronage is getting ready to host a special event.

The Ancient Society of York Florists is holding its annual autumn show at Wigginton Recreation Hall on Saturday, September 7.

Recommended reading:

Summer show for York society with roots in 18th century

The Society is the oldest horticultural society in the world having been formed 256 years ago.

It was formed in 1768 with a first show in Colliergate, where six florists’ efforts were accepted.

A plaque above Barnitts home essentials store bears witness to its beginnings.

The plaque above Barnitts in Colliergate (Image: Kevin Glenton)

The show includes classes for roses and fuchsias, chrysanthemums, dahlias, pelargoniums and geraniums, pot plants, cut flowers, gladioli, fruit classes, vegetables, floral art, baking, and photography.

Society documents bear the royal coat of arms from the Queen Anne period and King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra were patrons.