SOME people have more on their mind than what’s happening in the election.

Many people I talk to, who are struggling with their mental health, particularly if they are over 40, worry about their employment situation.

Much of this could stem from the fact that, in general, many older people are reluctant to seek any type of help for their mental health. One reason I find, is that many in this age group grew up in an era where mental health issues were shrouded in secrecy and shame. Terms like depression or anxiety carried a heavy stigma, leading some to believe that admitting to a struggle would make them appear weak or unfit. This ingrained stigma can create a powerful barrier to seeking help, even when desperately needed.

The workplace can be a breeding ground for anxiety, especially for those over 40. Concerns about ageism and job security can be exacerbated by the outdated notion that admitting to mental health issues could jeopardise someone's career.

This fear is often rooted in a lack of awareness about mental health advancements and the growing number of supportive workplaces actively promoting employee well-being.

Some older adults might harbour outdated beliefs about treatment options for mental health, this can be another barrier to taking that first step towards getting help.

They might envision long hospital stays or heavy medication, neglecting the wide variety of effective therapies available today, including talking therapy, mindfulness practices, and lifestyle changes.

When people are struggling with their mental health, everything can seem overwhelming. They may also have a tendency to view everything in the worst possible case scenario. The fear of raising issues at work, around mental health will just add to their worries.

If you are struggling with your own mental health, and are in work, there is a free service you can access, that can help you in the workplace. The service is funded by the DWP and is designed to help you deal with your mental health and keep your job. So, if you have a mental health concern (diagnosed or undiagnosed) that is making your job difficult or has resulted in workplace absence, you might want to think about contacting them. It is a completely confidential service.

You can find further information online

If you run any type of support group, to help people with their mental health, in and around York, then do please get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.

Martin Furber is a therapist. Contact:

Please note: If you feel you are in a mental health crisis or emergency and may be in danger of causing harm to yourself or others then please contact your GP, go to A&E, call the Samaritans on 116 123 or text SHOUT to 85258