SIGHTINGS of a lone fox are being reported in York.

A single fox has been photographed on the bridge over the Foss on Fossgate, as well as passing by The Windmill and also trying to snatch an egg that has been left out.

The images have been shared in recent days in our Press Camera Club Facebook page by Andrew Molloy, Sue Gabbatiss and Paul Rosen.

One other image shows the lonesome fox in Walmgate.

Fox in Walmgate. Image suppliedFox in Walmgate. Image supplied

In recent years more and more people have had the thrill of spotting urban foxes in York, but Yorkshire Wildlife Trust say they have probably been present in our cities in very small numbers for some time.

A trust spokesperson said they think it’s a common myth that foxes are increasing and that, for most cities, maximum densities were reached a long time ago - most urban fox populations regulate their own numbers, by limiting the number of cubs they produce each year.

Fox spotted by The Windmill by Sue GabbatissFox spotted by The Windmill by Sue Gabbatiss

They said people were more likely to spot foxes at dawn or dusk when they were usually more active.

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