The Conservative Party has chosen its candidate in the upcoming Hull Road by-election for City of York Council.

Third year student party activist Ellis Holden will be contesting the seat for the Tories, following the sudden resignation of Labour councillor Sophie Kelly, who was elected only last May.

Ellis also stood for the Conservatives in the seat last year, coming tenth out of 13, in what is typically a safe Labour ward, which elects three councillors.

The politics student is originally from Hertfordshire but lives locally. He has had a variety of roles in the University of York Conservative Association.


The council by-election will take place on Thursday July 4, the same day as the General Election.

Ellis said: “I have been motivated to stand because I believe the current ruling Labour Group and before them the Lib Dems have been letting the city down.

“They really have behaved like two sides of the same coin with high council tax rises, outrageous increases to councillor allowances and all the time the roads deteriorate and are understandably one of the biggest complaints I here from residents.”

He continued: “Housing is also a big issue for ward residents and the failure of Labour and Lib Dems to complete York’s Local Plan is costing the taxpayer every day in costs and also denying many residents a realistic chance to buy their own home.

“I also believe it is vital people stick to their word and yet Labour running the council has gone back on both their commitment to freeze council tax and slashed their free school meals for all primary pupils to a few pilot projects in certain very specific areas.”

Chris Steward, Leader of the Conservative Group on City of York council, said: "It would be great to have Ellis on the council representing Hull Road.

“He has shown how passionate he is for his local community over recent years and I know would be a superb councillor across the city and in getting a fair deal for Hull Road ward.”

The other candidates are Ben French of the Green Party, John Moroney of the Labour Party, and Andrew Mortimer for the Liberal Democrats.