RESIDENTS of a care home near York recalled their memories of D-Day during the 80th anniversary.

The Stamford Bridge Beaumont Care Home marked the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings by welcoming a group of local army enthusiasts who brought a selection of military memorabilia and vehicles with them.

Albert, a resident at Stamford Bridge Beaumont said: "I remember all the family gathering around the radio to listen to the news and hear of the progress our servicemen were making on the beaches in Normandy. 


"It was such a pivotal moment in the war and we all knew the importance of how those missions turned out. I really can’t believe it is 80 years ago."

Emma Smith, General Manager at Stamford Bridge Beaumont said: "We all know what it meant for our country so we wanted to mark the date, follow the ceremonies and listen to our residents’ memories of the war and the experiences they lived through."