IAN Brown makes a plea to “sort out Clarence Street traffic” (Letters May 22).

Sorting out Clarence Street traffic will require addressing the root cause of the congestion, which is too many drivers trying to access the multi-storey car park at the hospital.

There are numerous alternative local car parks available, Union Terrace, Marygate, Hayley Terrace, Clarence Gardens, Wigginton Road - and multiple bus routes serve the hospital directly, 1, 5, 6 and 40.

The No 2 Park and Ride service from Rawcliffe Bar stops in Bootham, a five-minute walk from the hospital.

If those who can walk a short distance use buses, or if they have to drive, local car parks, it will free up capacity in the multi-storey car park for those who are not able to walk so far.

Chris Polack,

Wigginton Road, York


Sorting out adult social care must be a priority

NOW that the General Election has been called it is vital that, as a country, we tell the contenders that reform of adult social care must be a top priority in their manifestos.

Some 1.6m people cannot get the care they need and the sector is short of 152,000 carers.

We have been betrayed, lied to and let down many times before – this election has to be different.

Mike Padgham,

Chair, Independent Care Group,

Priory Street, York


Expect a bribe a day as we head into General Election

Yippee! A General Election on July 4th when the nation, according to polls, will say goodbye to one set of incompetents and welcome with open arms another set even worse.

Summer has arrived, six weeks of hot air not a cloud in the sky.

A bribe a day the norm, "things can only get better" Labour's battle cry, "we have a plan" say the Tories, Lib Dems and Greens of no consequence.

Fast forward 12 months when we are all a lot worse off, we will realise one thing - we have been conned yet again.

Happy days are on their way...

Peter Rickaby,

West Park, Selby


Waste of our taxes

So David Skaith has made a busy and encouraging start in his new role as mayor of North Yorkshire so says one of your letters in The Press (May 24 ).

First job is to appoint an understudy with all the accompanying hangers on I presume.

What will be the extra cost to North Yorkshire taxpayers for this extra layer of bureaucracy imposed on them?

No figure forthcoming I suspect? This appointment is a complete waste of taxpayers' cash and will achieve nothing of any value.

Barrie Crowther,

Walton, Wakefield


What do you think?

Send your views to: letters@thepress.co.uk

Write no more than 250 words and please provide your full name, address and mobile number


Don't forgot the potholes!

NOW that a new road is being built on the site of the old Queen Street bridge, the council needs to give thought to the drilling of potholes in the roadway.

York had a proud tradition of deep and dangerous potholes, and people come from all over the country to admire them.

These are drilled and maintained by special council employees skilled in the art of creating deep and dangerous holes.

In wet weather these fill water in a way that makes them look shallow, when they are, in fact, deep.

Bystanders are then amused by the sight of cyclists crashing into these holes.

The new road is near the station. The holes need to be sited in a way that gives the best visual effect to people coming out of the station.

David Martin,

Rosedale Ave, York