A MAN has been jailed after police raided a cannabis farm in North Yorkshire.

On April 20, North Yorkshire Police received information from a member of the public reporting a strong smell of cannabis and suspicious electrical wiring at a property in Eastfield, Scarborough.

"Our officers attended and forced entry into the property. Inside, they located an extensive and sophisticated cannabis grow, with about 200 plants worth an estimated £250,000," said a spokesperson for the police.

Nezir Furrika, 31, was also in the property. Police said that he was arrested at the scene, charged with producing cannabis and remanded in custody. 

At York Crown Court on May 17 he was jailed for three months following a guilty plea.


The court also ordered that all the seized plants and equipment be destroyed.

Sgt Jon Dillon, of North Yorkshire Police, said: "We were able to take swift action in this case as a direct result of information provided to us by a member of the public.

York Press: Nezir Furrika, 31, was arrested at the sceneNezir Furrika, 31, was arrested at the scene (Image: North Yorkshire Police)

"We’re extremely grateful to them, and to everyone who comes forward with information. The production of illegal drugs brings nothing but crime and misery to our communities, and with the public’s help, we can put a stop to it.

"If you have any information about the production or sale of drugs in your area, let us know. Call the police on 101, report it via our website, or speak to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

"I’d also like to highlight the free, confidential and non-judgemental services across North Yorkshire available for people whose lives are affected by drugs. Visit www.northyorks.gov.uk/healthy-living/drugs-and-alcohol to find out more and get that support."