Terrington Hall pupil Annabelle Davidson has secured a highly-sought-after Academic Scholarship at Shrewsbury School.

The Butler Scholarship, the most prestigious offered by the leading independent school, recognises outstanding ability in several subjects. Annabelle, a Year 8 pupil, received the award after attending a rigorous two-day assessment which included academic interviews plus exams in 10 subjects.

She had already been awarded Shrewsbury School’s Sir Michael Palin All-Rounder Scholarship, named after one of its famous alumni, in recognition of her abilities in music and sport, as well as general academia.

Simon Kibler, Headmaster at Terrington Hall, said: “The Butler Scholarship is the most prestigious academic award Shrewsbury School offers and we are very proud of Annabelle’s achievement. To be awarded that, as well as the Sir Michael Palin All-Rounder Scholarship, really is something truly special.”

Annabelle, 12, said: “I’m really excited about going to Shrewsbury next year! I actually enjoyed spending time there on my assessments because it’s an amazing place. I’ve loved being at Terrington, and I’m grateful to all the teachers for their help and support, but I’m excited about the future, too.”

Annabelle is one of Terrington Hall’s three Heads of School. Alongside her academic prowess, she plays the piano to Grade 7 and oboe to Grade 6, plays for Sessay Cricket Club, Rawcliffe Netball Club and City of York Hockey Club, as well as the school sports teams.