Part of York's City Walls will remain closed over the May bank holiday.

As part of the ongoing Queen Street Bridge works, Mickelgate Bar to Station Rise will be closed to pedestrians on the walls.

The closures came into effect on Monday, May 20, and will run until June 28.

York Press: The walls will be closed between Mickelgate Bar and Station RiseThe walls will be closed between Mickelgate Bar and Station Rise (Image: Harry Booth)

City of York Council said the closure is "to allow for the construction of a new retaining wall and rampart, following the removal of Queens Street Bridge".

Those wanting to use the walls are asked to re join at Barker Tower, which is next to Lendal Bridge and home to the Perky Peacock.

The rest of the City Walls will open daily at 8am, and close at 8pm.