I SEE the Police are advised to make fewer arrests to help overcrowded jails.

Needless to say, this, as we all know - many from sad experience - they don't arrest enough people as it is.

Victims of crime say "don't call the Police, they don't do anything".

George Dixon would be horrified because it's true.

John Zimnoch,




Dogs need homes; OAPs need company

THERE are many older people living alone with only their much loved dog for company.

When sadly, as often happens,"Fido" passes away these people are refused owning another dog. They lose their reason to get up each morning as the loss is as deep as losing a family member.

Why is this allowed to happen? There are helpers to take the dog a walk and consequently have a conversation. This brings a lot of joy to these people and their pet.

Kennels are overflowing with dogs needing a loving home where they would not be left for hours on end. A situation which needs serious thought.

Eunice Birch,

Coombs Close,

Sutton on Forest



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