POLITICIANS across York have welcomed PM Rishi Sunak’s announcement of a snap election for July 4.

York Central’s Labour MP Rachael Maskell said she was ‘looking forward to seeing two Labour MPs elected to represent our city’.

“After 14 years of successive Conservatives Governments failing people across the country, an election could not come soon enough,” she said.


But Julian Sturdy, the Conservative MP for York Outer, said the PM’s announcement had come as the country was ‘turning a corner’.

“The choice will be clear: stick to the plan and reap further rewards or throw it all away by risking the Labour Party,” he said.

Mr Sunak made the announcement from the steps of Downing Street at just after 5pm, saying July 4 was ‘the moment for Britain to choose its future’.

The Prime Minister has gambled that improved inflation figures and a recovering economy will help him overturn Labour's 20-point opinion poll lead.

York Press: York Central's current MP and Labour candidate Rachael MaskellYork Central's current MP and Labour candidate Rachael Maskell (Image: Pic supplied)

In a sign that security and the economy will be key battlegrounds, he added: "This election will take place at time when the world is more dangerous than it has been since the end of the Cold War."

The ‘uncertain times’ call for a ‘clear plan’, he said.

Reacting to Mr Sunak’s announcement, Ms Maskell said: “After 14 years of successive Conservative Governments failing people across the country, an election could not come soon enough.

“Labour is ready to put right our NHS, rebuild our communities with the houses we need, and tackle the climate crisis while taking a lead on the global stage.

“I now look forward to being out in York, talking to my constituents, and seeing 2 Labour MPs elected to represent our city.”

Mr Sturdy said: “The decision to call an election is the Prime Minister's alone and he has done so as the country is turning a corner.

“A further fall in inflation this week with interest rates expected to be cut later this year, Austria praising our stance in illegal immigration and calling it a model for the UK, and the IMF predicting the largest economic growth of any large European country.

York Press: York Outer's current MP and Conservative candidate Julian SturdyYork Outer's current MP and Conservative candidate Julian Sturdy (Image: 11)

“With all this news in one week alone, the choice will be clear: stick to the plan and reap further rewards or throw it all away by risking the Labour Party.”

Andrew Hollyer, who will be the Liberal Democrat candidate for the York Outer seat in the election, said: “We are happy that this awful Conservative Government has decided to call a General Election and has given people the opportunity to kick them out of office.”

He said the Lib Dems had a real chance of winning in York Outer, where they won 18 of the 23 seats in the local election.

“We have been working hard all year round talking to voters about the sewage in our rivers, lack of availability of GP and Dentist appointments and the cost-of-living crisis,” Mr Hollyer said.

“We look forward to putting a positive message to voters that York deserves better than this Conservative Government.”

A July election is earlier than many in Westminster had expected, with a contest in October or November widely thought to have been more likely.

Mr Sunak's announcement came after the Office for National Statistics said Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation slowed to 2.3% in April, down from 3.2% in March.

He said that was a "major milestone" for the country, with inflation now "back to normal" levels.