A driver caught speeding three times in less than a year has kept her driving licence because she works with teenagers.

Julie Low, 55, of The Mount, Selby, was clocked doing 81 mph on the M5 near Bristol, Harrogate magistrates heard.

She was also clocked speeding in a 30 mph zone on the A63 at Hambleton, North Yorkshire, in January this year.

On June 6, last year, she was clocked speeding in a 30 mph zone on the A645 in Snaith in East Yorkshire.

On each occasion, she was driving the same Audi A3. She pleaded guilty to three offences of speeding.

The court heard that her offences meant she should be banned from driving for at least six months under the totting-up procedure.

Low, who was represented by a barrister, told the court she would be unable to do her job as a community youth support worker because it involved her taking teenagers to court, to go shopping and to other activities.  She could also lose her home if she lost her job.

Magistrates decided those were exceptional circumstances and let her continue driving. They added nine points to her licence, fined her £459 and ordered her to pay a £183 statutory surcharge and £270 prosecution costs.