READING In The Press of the search for the best chippy in the area for 2024 it should really say 'best chippy on the day'.

Unfortunately food can dramatically vary day to day.

A month ago, I purchased from the butchers some pies and sausage rolls.

I've been a regular for many years; the quality was fantastic and knocked the high street brands into a cocked hat .

It hurts me to say as a Yorkshireman but the sausage rolls were dispatched to the bin.

The following day we ventured out to what I used to claim as 'the best fish and chips' in the area.

The chips were dry and tasteless, like cardboard, the batter on the fish was soft and I say the fish was undercooked (mind you the mushy peas were perfect ).

So in two days my choice in pies/sausage rolls went from 11 out of 10 to a lowly 1 out of 10 .

As my father used to say the customer is the most important person in the shop and if they don't come up to your expectations go somewhere else - and I do now.

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,




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