A BIKE has been stolen from a cycle rack in York.

North Yorkshire Police said that a matte black On-One Big Dog mountain bike was stolen on April 6.

The force added that it was taken from the bike racks at St Andrew's Gate.

They said: "The bike has oversized black, front and rear mudguards, lights and a frame bag fitted.

"Please get in touch if you recognise the person in the image or have seen the stolen cycle or know where it is now.

York Press: The bike was taken from the bike racks at St Andrew’s Gate, YorkThe bike was taken from the bike racks at St Andrew’s Gate, York (Image: North Yorkshire Police)

"We believe the person in the image will have information that will help the investigation."

Anyone with any information is asked to email ben.robinson-brockhill@northyorkshire.police.uk or call North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2 and ask for PC Ben Robinson-Brockhill.

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please quote reference number 12240059881 when passing on information.