York and North Yorkshire’s new mayor said he wants to “put people and communities first”.

David Skaith was speaking after a meeting with over a dozen voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations at Community First Yorkshire’s offices in Askham Bryan on Thursday (May 16).

“Addressing the cost of living is a major driver for me ​and working together with organisations such as these is how we will create a real impact,” he said.

“I was there to listen, to understand the needs and challenges faced by these organisations and the communities they serve.

“Voluntary and community organisations are well loved parts of every community, and they also play a vital role in our economy as employers and enterprises.”

Alison Semmence and Jane Colthup, chief executives of York Centre for Voluntary Services and Community First Yorkshire respectively, said in a joint statement: “We’re really pleased that within his first ten days of office, our York and North Yorkshire Mayor was so keen to meet with representatives of the VCSE sector to discuss how we can work together for our local communities.”

The mayor leads the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority, which formed in January. It is in charge of delivering the region’s devolution deal – worth more than £540 million.