Coversure York has won the ‘Broker of the Year Award’ at the 2024 Yorkshire Financial Awards.

Director Mel Richards, Coversure York company director, said: “This is an absolutely fantastic result that underpins the contributions made by every single team member. Even when faced with challenges they have gone from strength to strength and always put customer service at the heart of everything.”

In addition, a team member, Luke Clemmit, reached the final shortlist in the ‘Rising Star of the Year’ category but narrowly missed out on the night. This recognition followed Luke winning Coversure’s own ‘Rising Star of the Year’ award in 2023 having been selected from nearly 100 offices at the annual Expo event.

Judges said Coversure York receives consistently positive feedback, with a particular focus on taking the time to discuss individual cases and deliver insurance cover that exceeds expectations. The firm has also new technology to deliver policies promptly at a competitive price.