CALLS have been made to improve the 'disgraceful' state of the roads in areas of Malton.

Cllr Lindsay Burr, who represents Malton on North Yorkshire Council and is deputy mayor of the town said the situation on the roads, especially in the Peasey Hill area, had gone from bad to worse.

Cllr Burr said: "One of the most common and frustrating complaints are about the continuous appalling state of our roads including deep potholes and uneven surfaces.

"Recently I did my normal quarterly road check in my division and found that things on my roads have gone from bad to worse.

"The roads especially in the Peasey Hills area of Malton are bad at best, and a total disgrace at worst. There has been a total lack of maintenance, investment and care"

Cllr Burr said she had reported it to North Yorkshire Council as a matter of urgency.

"I did have a conversation about potholes and resurfacing with the relevant officers about six months ago and some resurfacing took place but once again they are in a disgraceful condition."

Cllr Burr said: "I know the council is constrained with budgets, but this is not my residents' concern.

"They just need to be able to drive around without fear of damaging their vehicles."

Cllr Burr added: "All these below are in very, very bad condition - Burke Road, Pitman Road, Milton Road, Almond Avenue, Hawthorn Avenue, East Mount, Middlecave Drive, Princess Road and the top area of Maiden Grieve, while Milton Avenue is horrendous."

"I have asked North Yorkshire Council what the plan is and when these roads are scheduled to be resurfaced or potholes filled in."

North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for highways, Cllr Keane Duncan, said: “I am pleased to confirm that as part of this year’s capital programme, we will be carrying out larger-scale patching works on Princess Road and Peasey Hills Road to prepare them for surface dressing.

“East Mount is being considered for resurfacing for next year’s programme.

Cllr Keane added: “The highways team will continue to monitor roads in Malton, and across North Yorkshire’s vast network, prioritising works and ensuring every penny of our limited, £55 million annual maintenance budget is maximised."