AN 86-year-old woman from York has celebrated her 400th appointment at a city acupuncture centre - and says it has helped her stay healthy and active.

Janet Hazelwood, who lives in Lord Mayor's Walk, has been attending the Northern College of Acupuncture, in Mickelgate, since 2007.

Since first attending the clinic, she's averaged more than 23 appointments a year over the 17 years - which is almost one every other week.


She said: "Having regular acupuncture has helped me to keep healthy and active into my 80s. Everyone is so friendly and professional in the clinic and it’s a pleasure to help the students in their training.

"I have been treated by students from all over the country – even as far away as the Chanel Islands."

The Northern College of Acupuncture was founded in 1988. It trains more than 35 students a year to become qualified acupuncturists, as well as around 25 students a year on its nutrition masters course.