DO you love seeing how a favourite spot changes over the seasons?

From the hibernation of winter through to the first shoots of spring, the burst of summer colour, then the fire of autumn leaves - the seasons make our landscape magical and magnificent.

Our Camera Club members will be recording the changing seasons through just one photo.

As part of a fun photo challenge, members have chosen one location and will photograph it from winter through to autumn - and we will be sharing their four photos with Press readers.

Today, we are showing the first set of photos for winter.

Thanks to everyone who is taking part.

There is still time to take your winter photo. Join our Press Camera Club on Facebook and post your photo, using the hashtag #PhotoChallenge2024Winter.

When spring arrives, post your next photo with the hashtag #PhotoChallenge2024Spring.

You could pick a landmark, a favourite view, tree or whatever - it just has to be the same view in each photo.

More than 2,500 readers have joined The Press Camera Club, which launched in June 2017 and brings together talented photographers from across York and North and East Yorkshire to share their work, swap tips and take part in themed monthly prize competitions.

To join the free club, simply search for ‘The Press Camera Club’ on Facebook - we’d love to see what our region looks like through your lens.

We will feature pictures from our camera club in The Press and online regularly.

If you like seeing photos of York, please follow us on Instagram too