A York GP surgery has put patients at risk of harm and must improve, a report by inspectors said.  

Inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) found safety breaches at Dalton Terrace Surgery and gave it the overall rating of 'requires improvement'.

The surgery – which serves a patient population of about 9,500 – delivers regulated activities, including diagnostic and screening procedures, maternity and midwifery services, family planning, treatment of disease, disorder or injury and surgical procedures.

Inspectors visited the Holgate surgery during an announced visit from Monday, November 6, to Friday, November 10, 2023.

The practice manager said the surgery is working to address the points raised by inspectors.

In their report, inspectors said the practice did “not always” provide care in a way that kept patients safe and protected from avoidable harm.

York Press: Dalton Terrace SurgeryDalton Terrace Surgery (Image: Google)

They said safety at the practice was inadequate.

“There were inadequate systems to assess, monitor and manage risks to patient safety,” the report states.

“Systems were not embedded to keep people safe and safeguarded from abuse.”

The practice was unable to consistently demonstrate that staff had the skills, knowledge and experience to carry out their roles, inspectors found.

Staff at the practice are praised in the report for showing “kindness and respect” towards patients.

But inspectors found the overall governance arrangements within the practice were “ineffective”.

They told the provider it must “ensure care and treatment is provided in a safe way to patients” and “establish effective systems and processes to ensure good governance in accordance with the fundamental standards of care”.

Safety and care of patients 'remains our number one priority' - practice manager

Fran Raper, Dalton Terrace Surgery practice manager, told The Press: “We’re working on the points that have been raised and the safety and care of our patients remains our number one priority.”

A spokesperson for the NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, which the practice is part of, told The Press: “Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board notes the Care Quality Commission's latest inspection report for Dalton Terrace Surgery in York.

“It's pleasing the CQC recognises the practice for being caring and responsive, though we acknowledge the CQC has identified some issues that we will work with the practice to resolve.

“We will always endeavour to support all our GP practices in Humber and North Yorkshire.

“It's in everyone's interests for practices to be sustainable, resilient, and safe and equipped to deliver the best possible care to people when they need it."

The surgery was previously inspected by the CQC in 2015 and rated good overall.

As The Press reported last year, Dalton Terrace Surgery was the highest rated surgery in York city by patients in the NHS GP Patient Survey 2023.

The report can be read in full on the CQC’s website.