Thank you Keith Massey (Letters, February 12) for suggesting Peter Gibson be considered for a memorial statue in York. These are my sentiments entirely.

I had the joy of many times enjoying Peter’s company when taxi driving and our chats lasted far longer than the actual ride!

I seem to recall there was talk in The Press after he died of some form of a permanent memorial to Peter, the saviour of York Minster as a result of his skill in restoring the Rose Window after the 1984 fire.

Peter once said to me people travel the world to see what we have on our own door step - namely York Minster. A memorial statue would be a fitting tribute to a lovely man who adored this city.

Peter Boulton, Orchard Gardens, York


Britain's dwindling military power

Peter Rickaby (Letters, February 10) worries about the state of the Royal Navy. He’s not the only one: the US Secretary of the Navy recently cast aspersions on the RN’s capability.

However, I don’t put the onus just on Sunak and co. The malaise goes back much further and isn’t confined to the ‘senior service’.

The head of the British Army has expressed concerns about its ability to fight a sustained European war. A claim was made last year that the Swiss Army could field more tanks than the UK.

Then there’s the RAF. They still exist though significantly diminished. A token force of Typhoons has been bothering the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

There are echoes of the 1920s/30s when Britain was complacent during the rise of the Axis Powers. Now, as then, potential foes are discouraged by strength and resolve. Are our brass hats up to the challenge?

Derek Reed, Middlethorpe Drive, York