York Golf Club has announced it will be switching to solar power in a move sparked by rising energy costs and sustainability.

The club in Strensall – thought to be one of the oldest in Yorkshire – will install 65 solar panels.

York-based Green Building Renewables is installing the panels and said they will save the club over £200,000 on energy bills and cut carbon emissions by six tonnes per year.

Mike Wells, managing secretary of York Golf Club, said “The club had considered installing previously, but not progressed.

“However, escalating energy costs over the last year or two and the desire to reduce our carbon footprint led the board to decide to proceed.

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“All has been done with no disruption to members or our operations, and Green Building Renewables were selected as the most appropriate installer for our needs.”

Chris Delaney, managing director of Green Building Renewables added: “We are delighted to work on this project with York Golf Club.

“We have installed a 26.65kW solar panel system on the south-facing roof elevation which is perfect for harnessing the renewable energy from the sun, especially on those long summer days we’re all looking forward to.”

For more information about Green Building Renewables visit: www.greenbuildingrenewables.co.uk