Dog owners have been urged to not make this mistake when storing their dog food since it can cause vomiting and even seizures.

When it comes to your pet's health, you need to think of everything from the amount of exercise they eat to their diet.

One of the things owners need to consider is storing their food since making a mistake can lead to your dog becoming unwell, and a trip to the vet.

Improper storage of dog food can lead to mould, bacteria and mites infiltrating your pets food, which can lead to vomiting and illness in dogs. 

York Press: Dog experts at Kennel Store have warned of the dangers of incorrectly storing dog food, and how you can properly store it. ( Getty Images)Dog experts at Kennel Store have warned of the dangers of incorrectly storing dog food, and how you can properly store it. ( Getty Images) (Image: Getty Images)

Dog experts at Kennel Store have warned of the dangers of incorrectly storing dog food, and how you can properly store it.

The experts reminded owners that we need to treat storing dog food just like our own.

The team added: “Similar to storing our food, dog food can also spoil, therefore needs to be stored properly". 

Here are three things you need to know about storing your dog's food, according to Kennel Store:

  • Buy a bag that can be used with 30 days to prevent rancid fats and free radicals
  • Store dry food in an airtight container. Use up all of the food before refilling it as the fat and crumbs can build up, causing the food to go bad
  • Wash the container between bags to prevent cross contamination, and mould growth

How to store dog food safely

Make sure the bag is firmly sealed

If the bag can't be sealed, move the dog food to an airtight container, Kennel Store recommends.

The team also recommended making sure that the lid fits tightly on the container to keep out air, moisture, and pests.

Keep in a cool, dry place

The experts advised: "Heat and humidity can cause food's nutritious value to decline, and also encourage the growth of bacteria and mould".

For this reason, the team recommends choosing a dry, cool place to store the dog food such as a cupboard, out of direct sunlight.

Steer clear of direct sunlight 

Direct sunlight can cause the fats in dog food to go rancid and lose the nutritional value, the experts said.

The team recommend using plaster containers made from food-grade plastic, or keeping the food in a shaded place for storage.

Follow the principle of "first in, first out" 

You should put the newest bags of food at the back and move the older ones to the front.

By doing this, Kennel Store says that can guarantee that the oldest food is consumed first, preserving freshness. 

Look out for signs of spoilt food

You should also regularly check your dog food for indications of mould, discolouration, strange smells, or potential insect infestations.

The team added: "You should throw away the food immediately if you do see any of these symptoms".

Recommended reading

What are the signs of mould ingestion in dogs?

The team at Kennel Store have also identified some of the signs of mould ingestion in your dog:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Disorientation
  • Restlessness
  • Tremors
  • Jaundiced appearance (icterus)
  • Seizures
  • High fever (hyperthermia)
  • Abdominal pain

The team added: "If you are concerned your dog has eaten food that has become mouldy, it’s important they see a vet quickly for the appropriate care and to prevent illness from worsening.”