A DRINKER who racially insulted a doorman at a city centre pub has been handed a community order.

Samuel Cousins, 24, must also pay the victim compensation.

His solicitor Craig Robertson, quoting the doorman’s witness statement, said the victim had made comments about the clothes worn by Cousin’s female companion and her “posterior”.

Cousins, of Alder Way, New Earswick, pleaded guilty to two racially aggravated public order offences.

“The doorman was only doing his job,” district judge Orla Austin told Cousins at York Magistrates' Court.

“He was completely innocent. He doesn’t go to work to be abused, particularly not at a racial level.”

She ordered Cousins to do a 12-month community order with 20 days’ rehabilitative activities and 100 hours’ unpaid work. He must also pay a total of £299, consisting of £100 compensation to the doorman, a £114 statutory surcharge and £85 prosecution costs.

The court heard that Cousins was at the Tank & Paddle in Bridge Street next to Ouse Bridge on May 18.

He was racially insulting to the doorman, referring to his appearance and swearing as  he made remarks about what the doorman should do.

He was still being racially abusive when police arrested him outside Jalou nearby at the bottom of Micklegate.

Mr Robertson said although Cousins had previous convictions, his last had been in 2019.

Cousins had been drinking and accepted he had responded inappropriately and wrongly to the doorman’s comments.

He had recently got a job, court heard.