As reported in your article ‘Drax set for billions more’ (The Press, January 23), Drax is set to receive billions more in public money.

This is a particularly troubling development, given that Drax is not the sustainable, ‘renewable’ energy business it advertises.

More than six million tonnes of imported wood was burned at Drax power station in 2022. Outdated rules allow Drax to claim the carbon emissions from burning this wood can be ignored, a practice scientists have repeatedly criticised and that their own advisors have told them to stop.

It is hard to find evidence that Drax can deliver on the promise of capturing some of its emissions in future decades; even if it does it will be too little, too late and wouldn’t address the harms caused by industrial-scale tree burning.

More and more people support ending the huge bill-payer funded subsidies companies like Drax receive for their highly polluting and destructive operations.

As the Government is currently consulting on whether to continue these payments, now is a great time to tell them that genuine renewables and energy efficiency are much better investments in a sustainable, resilient, and low-cost energy future.

Dr Abi Perrin, Bishophill, York


Give me a shilling...

I READ Christian Vassie’s letter about the British public preferring metric as primary unit for sale of goods (Who wants to buy a pint of wine anyway? Letters, January 20).

Like all my generation, I was brought up using pounds, shillings and pence and it made your brain more active working your money out. When it comes to buying loose things like sweets and nuts etc, I always ask for them in pounds and ounces.

Maureen Robinson, Broadway, York


... or a hand and a furlong

Speaking as, I believe, a normal everyday person, I ask Christian Vassie - would you do us normal people the courtesy of letting us have a mind of our own?

The equine industry measures horses in hands, sells in guineas, rides over miles, furlongs and yards. The marine industry uses fathoms, knots and cables, the brewing industry imperial units (ie gallons, ferkins, tuns).

Please change your record on Brexit and get behind our wonderful diverse country.

Tony Donohue, Shiptonthorpe