Next month, the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) will integrate into the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority (YNYCA).

From February 1, the work and functions of the LEP will continue to be carried out by the Combined Authority.

The LEP says the launch of the Combined Authority represents a significant step forward for our region and something it is excited to be a part of. The Combined Authority will be the statutory body responsible for devolution, making decisions and prioritising investments based on local insights, with greater autonomy and resources to drive positive change.

Businesses are promised a seamless transition.

A spokesperson said: “If you are signed up to our newsletters, your email subscription will transfer to the Combined Authority, and starting February, newsletters will be sent from the new organisation. Additionally, if you follow us on our social channels (LinkedIn and X), these will also move over to the Combined Authority.”

They continued: “You will continue to receive insightful newsletters full of updates from the Combined Authority, economic development initiatives, and efforts to make York and North Yorkshire a thriving place to live, work, and do business.”

“Of course, if you’d prefer not to receive these updates, you can easily unsubscribe at any time. Simply click the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of our newsletters.

The LEP says the creation of the Combined Authority marks a new era of opportunity for York and North Yorkshire.

Devolution and the Combined Authority promises local power and local decisions.

The spokesperson explained: “Local power, local decisions: Decisions and funding will move from Westminster to the Combined Authority, led by an elected mayor who truly understands our region’s needs and aspirations.

“Our devolution deal secured over £540million of investment over 30 years, empowering the mayor to drive impactful projects across the region that will attract further investment.

“From improved transport and housing to enhanced skills and a smoother transition to net zero, the Combined Authority will focus on critical areas that will benefit everyone.

“Combined Authority will work hand-in-hand with local authorities to leverage the collective strengths of our vibrant city and rural powerhouse.

“This isn’t just a one-time opportunity: the Combined Authority represents a strategic, long-term commitment to shaping a brighter future for generations to come.”

People with questions on the issue can contact the LEP via