A YOUNG mum who is six months pregnant has hit out after battling problems with black mould in her council flat for four years.

23-year-old Billiejo Elmer of Gilbert House in Croft Gardens in Heworth says she’s been in touch with City of York Council about on-going damp and black mould problems in her two-bed council flat where she lives with her six-year-old daughter, Lacey-May.

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She said things have come to a head recently as she now has another baby on the way and she's struggling to contain the problem mould.

York Press: The black mould around the windows in Billiejo's flatThe black mould around the windows in Billiejo's flat (Image: Supplied)

"It's disgusting, it's everywhere, all over the ceilings and around the windows. At Christmas it got all over my daughter's Christmas presents, and it's all over her bedding," said Billiejo.

"It's ruining my life. I'm young myself, my daughter's still young and we can't enjoy being in our own home.

"I'm forever opening windows and wiping it away, but nothing seems to work.

"It's got to the point where it's costing me hundreds of pounds and I can't afford to keep replacing things all the time."

York Press: The mould on Lacey-May's bedThe mould on Lacey-May's bed (Image: Supplied)

Billiejo said she's invested in a dehumidifier, but the heating in the flats is just little hot air heaters and there's no central heating, so keeping the flat warm is also a problem.

York Press: The black mould around the windows in Billiejo's flatThe black mould around the windows in Billiejo's flat (Image: Supplied)

City of York Council said it is unable to comment on individual cases.

But Michael Jones, head of housing delivery and asset management, said: “Mould can be a common issue in many homes involving a number of factors. When issues are reported, we work with residents to remedy it as soon as possible.

"Where there are severe problems, we address them in ways which can include cleaning the mould with anti-fungicidal treatments; moving radiators to improve the circulation of warmer air around the home; or insulating walls, to raise their temperature and prevent condensation.

“Since 2016, the council has invested more than £7.8 million to tackle damp and mould issues and have recently committed to investing a further £1.8 million to help improve council homes, including addressing damp issues. These measures will reduce residents’ energy bills, make their home warmer, and reduce carbon emissions.

“Besides offering appointments to assess and repair a home, we offer advice and information, and can offer eligible tenants fuel vouchers to help them adequately heat their homes.”

York Press: The black mould around the windows in Billiejo's flatThe black mould around the windows in Billiejo's flat (Image: Supplied)

Billie Jo has been in contact with her MP, Rachael Maskell who said: “Sometimes mould can be caused by poor construction, and embeds itself within the fabric of the building, sometimes it is caused by environmental factors, such as poor ventilation within the property, overcrowding or excess moisture in the property. No matter the reason, it is vital that these matters are properly addressed. It is no use people being advised to turn on the heating and open the windows, as this is expensive; proper and expedient support is needed.

“While supporting Billiejo Elmer with her property needs, and it is essential that this matter is resolved, I have undertaken a significant number of cases concerning damp. We must to ensure that a comprehensive approach is taken to tackle this issue, no matter how it arises. Labour has highlighted how the Decent Housing Standard must be implemented, not least improving standards in the Private Rented Sector and our programme of retrofitting 19 million homes over the next decade will have a significant impact on improving housing conditions in York and across the country when we come to office.”

York Press: Rachael MaskellRachael Maskell