SO our Home Secretary thinks it’s appropriate, in Downing Street, at an official Government function no less, to crack jokes about controlling his wife’s behaviour, with the date rape drug Rohypnol.

I wonder what should cause us the greater concern, that he thought it was funny, the definitive definition of a joke, or that he hadn’t had enough sense to keep his sexist gob shut?

Cleverly, normative determinism theory destroyed in one single step, has a habit of letting his potty mouth run amok, but this “joke” far exceeded his recent work for the Stockton on Tees Tourist Board.

Einstein defined stupidity as repeating the same activity and expecting a different outcome. My definition of an idiot has always been, stupidity is not saying the things you’ve been told not to say, it’s saying the things you shouldn’t need telling not to say.

The bottom of the barrel has been so thoroughly scrapped it’s a wonder the splinters don’t make sitting on the Front Bench impossible.

Richard D Bowen,

Farrar Street,



Who is going to revive church's fortunes?

CHURCH of England congregations continue to diminish, so what response does it illicit from Archbishops Welby (Canterbury) and Cotterill (York) - very little.

Welby has undergone a personality bypass, resulting in him being more a politician than a cleric, constantly using his position to meddle in affairs for which he has no knowledge or experience.

In contrast, Cotterill is a pleasant enough chap, writes genteel readable articles, smiles a lot but thereafter not much else.

Neither, in this time of crisis for the Church of England, show any interest in campaigning for a public revival.

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,



We never seem to learn from history

WHY do we never learn from history?

In Nazi Germany in the 1930s, there was a campaign conducted by the student union against anything subversive or ideologies opposed to Nazism such as Jewish, Communist, Anarchist, Pacifists etc.

Any book incompatible with Nazi ideologies was destroyed in Nazi book burning.

In a campaign of cultural genocide, books by Albert Einstein and Karl Marx went into the flames.

Now, over the last few years, minority groups especially in the universities and education sector challenge everyone and everything that isn't or hasn't their mindset.

Free speech has now been shouted down by a culture of intimidation.

How much longer before the populous becomes dictated to by the mob?

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,

Monkgate, York


Pleased this was passed

IN his recent letter, Cllr Kilbane denies 'playing the man rather than the ball' with personal attacks on fellow councillors, and then immediately does just that.

As he knows, I was, unfortunately, not able to attend the full council meeting that debated my 'fair funding for football clubs' motion due to illness.

I'm sure Cllr Kilbane would not normally call for people who are unwell and at risk of spreading that illness to put others at risk.

Nonetheless, I'm pleased the motion was passed unanimously, despite Cllr Kilbane's apparent reservations about backing our local club and the excellent work the foundation does, and that the council will look to deepen its relationship with grassroots football as a result.

Councillor Andrew Hollyer,

Oak Tree Court,
